
Basics of Bitcoin 

Presenter: Chris Palasz at the Seoul Bitcoin meetup (August 2018)

Description: This is an Intro to Bitcoin presentation given by Chris Palasz at the Seoul Bitcoin meetup in August of 2018. He addresses the following topics:

  • Why Bitcoin?
  • What is Bitcoin?
  • Bitcoin Transactions & how they work
  • What is a digital signature?
  • What is a full node?
  • What is Bitcoin mining and how does it work?

Moving Forward with Bitcoin

Presenter: Chris Palasz at the Seoul Bitcoin meetup (June 2018)

Description: Seoul Bitcoin meetup co-organizer Chris Palasz gives a crash course on Bitcoin developments, explaining how Bitcoin is being improved and how it can further improve. Topics touched on include: Bitcoin needs (education, user friendliness, scalability, privacy / fungibility) and developments such as: Compact Blocks, Schnorr Signatures, CoinJoin, Dandelion, Confidential Transactions, and the Lightning Network. MAST, Graftroot and Taproot are mentioned but time ran short on explaining them.